This cover idea is one I actually came up with on a 3 hour bus ride after a double-header this weekend on the way to Virginia Beach. I thought for just a little bit and wanted something colorful. I wanted something colorful and I wanted something that illustrated different ways in which color can appear. I came up with 3 different ways to use display the same color palette which ultimately represents the different perspectives of a prism. So, here it is :)
For the first time instead of thinking...thinking and more thinking for ideas, I just started drawing what I wanted to see for this Prism cover. The title needs tweeking but I am satisfied with the flowers and the layout. This cover option is working for me. Since Spring is approaching I have been inspired by flowers. As I look at photos and real flowers in nature, I am starting to see so much character and personality in them. I see flowers and blooms with the Prism cover because the Prism includes written pieces from a multitude of students here at Peace College. Being that a prism portrays the different perspectives of one object, I think flowers are appropriate being that their wonderful rich, bright colors and breeds can have so many different interpretations and meanings. More idea's to follow :)